The ability to have and recall memories is what makes us unique individuals. Each of us has a distinct and irreplaceable store of information that affects our feelings, perceptions, and opinions. In general, memory is our ability to use information from the past in the present.
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Most school-age kids are typically eager to head back to school after a break.
Hans Selye, a Hungarian scientist who was a pioneer in modern stress research, was quoted as saying:
“It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.”
Today, 75 years after he made that statement, it rings as true as ever.
This post is one in a multi-part series from Dr. Braaten entitled Bright Kids Who Can’t Keep Up.
If your school-age child needs a mental health evaluation or learning assessment, how do you know which kind to request? Read more, below.
Arielle’s mother, Adele, was confused. She had taken Arielle, an active first grader who was struggling to learn how to read, to her pediatrician for guidance.
The rates of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have increased considerably in the last 40 years. In fact, in the United States, the prevalence of ADHD has doubled since the 1970s. A number of experts have weighed in on why these numbers may have increased.
“They’re rude.”
That’s what my daughter’s friend said to me last week as she glanced over my shoulder at the newspaper. On the cover was a photo of Mitch McConnell, newly victorious in his quest for re-election, and by virtue of his victory, the Senate majority leader.
I looked up at my daughter’s friend.
Yep, it’s hard to believe that it’s that time of year again. Though it seems as if the school year has just started, you’ll soon receive an email or a notice from your child’s teacher asking you to sign up for the fall parent-teacher conferences.
There is a saying with regard to prejudice and human behavior. It’s a shrinky phrase (by that, I mean that it’s loaded with jargon), so I’m going to tell it first, and then we’ll translate it through, sadly, an increasingly common example.
Here’s the phrase:
“The narcissism of small differences.
No one can deny the recent spate of horrific school shootings. These awful occurrences are the subject of a different post, but perhaps most importantly, these relatively rare events threaten to overshadow an important and key fact about schools.
Schools are by far the safest place kids can be.