Articles containing: parenting

The Youth Mental Health Epidemic: What Parents and Caregivers Can Do

In April 2024, I wrote an editorial in Academic Psychiatry with my colleagues indicating that the leadership of our field had fallen short in satisfying our moral, ethical and professional standards to promote efforts to address the mental health epidemic among our youth.

Adolescent Depression – Shrinking It Down

It’s not always easy to tell whether a teen’s behavior is typical for their age or a sign of depression. In this Parent Strategy Announcement (PSA), Dr. Gene Beresin and Dr. Steven Schlozman explain how parents can assess their child’s behavior, and what to do if they’re concerned.

My Child Was Diagnosed With Anxiety or Depression. How Should I Talk to Her About It?

“Should I use the word anxious or depressed?”  

“Should I talk about it at all with my daughter?”  

“What should I say to my teenage son?”  

“How can I even bring it up?”  

These are just a few of the questions parents ask when their child is given a diagnosis of anxiety or depression.

Anger Management: Ways to Help You and Your Kids Stay in Control

Everyone gets angry from time to time — parents and kids alike.

Anger is a normal emotion that’s part of the “fight or flight” response. This means it’s an emotion that informs us that something in our lives is threatening, frustrating, upsetting, or unfair.

My Son Was Diagnosed With ADHD. How Do I Talk to Him About It?

Question: My son was just diagnosed with ADHD. How do I talk to him about it?

Dr. Braaten’s Answer:

Educating yourself is a great way to prepare for this conversation, and there are a lot of resources on our website to get you started.

Medications: For Better or Worse? featuring Timothy Wilens, MD – Shrinking It Down

Tune in wherever you get your podcasts. Just search for “Shrinking It Down.”

Many parents of kids struggling with a mental health issue have concerns – even fears – about medication as a part of treatment. Will it help? Will it hurt? What are the side effects? Today, Dr.

Q+A: What Should I Tell My Daughter About Her Dyslexia Diagnosis?

Although some parents worry that “labeling” their children’s problems will somehow damage them or make them feel bad about themselves, the fact is that the majority of people (kids and adults, alike) are relieved to know that what they are struggling with or suffering from has a name.

La Importancia del Sueño para el Bienestar Emocional de los Niños

Tengo una confesión que hacer. Raramente duermo lo suficiente.

Sé que es importante para mí, pero con demasiada frecuencia la vida se interpone. No estoy solo.

Managing Challenging Behavior in Kids During Stressful Times, featuring J. Stuart Ablon, PhD – Shrinking It Down

Tune in wherever you get your podcasts. Just search for “Shrinking It Down.”

These past months and weeks have put tremendous stress on families across the country, on top of the daily challenges we were already navigating.

Desarrollar el bienestar mental en los niños: lo que los padres pueden hacer

Los padres son los verdaderos expertos cuando se trata de conocer a sus hijos, y a menudo son los primeros en notar cualquier cambio en el comportamiento de sus hijos:

Colin era un joven feliz. Tenía amigos, le iba bien en la escuela y se llevaba bien con sus hermanos y padres en casa.