Articles containing: autism

Autism: Making the Transition to College, feat. Chris Keary, MD

Starting college for the first time can be a big deal for all kids, but for those with Autism Spectrum Disorder there’s even more to consider for making it a smooth transition. As parents, how do we provide the best support? How involved should we be?

Special guest Dr.

A Closer Look at High-Functioning Autism, featuring Robyn Thom, MD – Shrinking It Down

Coming into April, Autism Awareness Month, we’ve noticed more families coming to our website with questions about high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

CBT Snapshot: Using Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Asperger’s, High-Functioning Autism, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a special kind of talk therapy that can be used to help with mental health challenges, including those related to Autism Spectrum Disorder. In this CBT Snapshot series, Dr. Ellen Braaten gives a glimpse of what it looks like to use CBT for a range of mental, behavioral, and developmental health disorders.

Ask Ellen: How to Advocate for Your Child’s Learning

A learning disability causes difficulty in an area of learning, such as reading, writing, or math. Challenges in one or more of these areas can affect a child’s ability to thrive in the classroom. But it’s not always clear to parents what to do when their child is struggling.

Bipolar Disorder and The Arts: Mark Vonnegut’s Story

Despite our growing awareness of mental health conditions, the relationship between creativity and mental illness is often misunderstood. In this short film, Dr.

What’s Ahead for Your Child on the Autism Spectrum?

Perhaps the most pressing concern for parents who have a child with autism or a similar developmental issue is “What does the future hold?”   

We don’t have a crystal ball. If we did, joining the circus and traveling the world telling fortunes might prove to be a more helpful career than academic medicine.

AsperDad: Growing Up With a Parent on the Autism Spectrum (Maybe)

This blog post is part of a series entitled  Real Lives, Real Stories. 

The following person’s account of his/her personal experience has been published with her consent to support the mission of The Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds, and to let others in similar situations not feel so alone.

What Is A Nonverbal Learning Disability?

A nonverbal learning disability (NLD) is a syndrome that includes challenges in visual-spatial organization, nonverbal problem solving, and social skills. Despite often having strong verbal abilities, children with NLD have trouble understanding humor and adapting to new situations.

9 Ways to Know If Your Child’s Mental Health Clinician Is Right for Them

As parents, we all want the very best for our kids – the best teachers, coaches, and health professionals, among others.

About one in five of our children, teenagers, and young adults will experience a mental health issue and ideally receive mental health care.

What Is Autism Spectrum?

Este artículo está disponible en español.

Children with autism have significant challenges with social interactions and communication and a very restricted repertoire of activities and interests.  Issues with social reciprocity are very severe (it’s not just being shy or a bit detached).