May is Mental Health Awareness Month! This year, our May calendar is inspired by our new guide Ways to Help Your Lonely Teen by Dr. Gene Beresin. He shares actionable, practical advice to help caring adults prevent and lessen loneliness and isolation in children, teens, and young adults.
Todos se enojan de vez en cuando, tanto los padres como los niños.
La ira es una emoción normal que forma parte de la respuesta de “lucha o huida” . Esto significa que es una emoción que nos informa que algo en nuestras vidas es amenazante, frustrante, perturbador o injusto.
For many, the holidays are anticipated as idyllic. A long awaited time to connect with family and friends, share memories, play games, watch familiar movies (we all have our favorites – Home Alone, Harry Potter, Elf, It’s A Wonderful Life – you know yours), watch sports, cook together.
Are you an educator? You may be interested in our Conflict Resolution Curriculum for students. Learn more here.
“Are you out of your mind? You’re not old enough to go to a climate change demonstration. What do you even know about the climate? Besides, we’re in the middle a pandemic.
I cannot think of a time in recent history when our nation was more polarized, and resentment and anger so pervasive. One thing we know, though, is that our kids and teens are watching, picking up on, and asking questions about the intensity of it all. There are calls for unity and healing almost everywhere we turn.
For answers to more caregiver questions about responding to kids’ big emotions in a healthy way, tune in to our “Ask Ellen” Q+A with Dr. Ellen Braaten.
My 9-year-old grandson often feels that his younger brother gets more attention than he does.
When the body is injured, it begins the healing process despite the ongoing physical injury. Our minds should be no different. Right now – amidst a pandemic, economic strain, political tension, rising mental illness, and more – we are desperately in need of emotional healing, despite the many challenges ahead.
Question: My kids are 8 and 5 years old. How can I teach them executive function skills?
Dr. Braaten’s Answer:
Younger children aren’t really ready to have strong executive function skills, which include the ability to plan, think ahead, and remember what they are supposed to be doing.
Tune in wherever you get your podcasts. Just search for “Shrinking It Down.”
These past months and weeks have put tremendous stress on families across the country, on top of the daily challenges we were already navigating.
Los padres son los verdaderos expertos cuando se trata de conocer a sus hijos, y a menudo son los primeros en notar cualquier cambio en el comportamiento de sus hijos:
Colin era un joven feliz. Tenía amigos, le iba bien en la escuela y se llevaba bien con sus hermanos y padres en casa.