Articles containing: parents

What Are the Treatments for Eating Disorders?

Question: What Are the Treatments for Eating Disorders?

Because eating disorders are complex – and are caused by multiple factors – treatments need to address multiple influences.

Shrinking It Down: Home for the Holidays

You can also subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, SoundCloud, and most podcast apps. 

Here we are, in the peak of the holiday season. Do you feel joyful? Do you feel down? Are you simply overwhelmed? Whatever it is you’re feeling, it’s okay, and we guarantee you’re not alone.

Shrinking It Down: Political Angst in America? (Season 1, Episode 6)

You can also listen to this podcast on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and iTunes. 


According to a 2017 report by the American Psychological Association, 2/3 of Americans feel stressed about the future of our nation, including a majority of each Democrats and Republicans.

Shrinking It Down: Our 1st Episode! (Season 1, Episode 1)


Mental health made simple? Phpht. Who are we kidding? It can be really complicated. Which is why we’re psyched to launch Season 1 of our new video podcast Shrinking It Down: Mental Health Made Simple, to begin to wrapping our brains around it all.

In Memoriam: Landon T. Clay, 1926-2017

Every year, Steve Schlozman and I travel on behalf of the Clay Center to speak with the 1,400 kids at Lake Wales High School. We really look forward to this event. As much as we enjoy our relationship with the high school students and staff, the highlight of this annual excursion is staying with the Clays at their home in Mountain Lake.

Have The Rules Changed For Our Kids And Concert Going?

The bomb attack at the Ariana Grande concert in England evokes a toxic milieu of fear, anger and, worst of all, a kind of insidious fatigue.

Listen To Your Kids, But Not Necessarily To Their Music

My first big concert was Foreigner. I can’t recall who opened for them, but I remember that it was loud.

My feet stuck to the half-dried beer that was splashed across the concrete floor of Kemper Arena in Kansas City, Missouri.

A Parent’s Journey Through Autism: “I have to admit it’s getting better, a little better all the time…”

This blog post is part of a series entitled Real Lives, Real Stories: Personal Experiences With Mental Illness.

Are Parents Good Role Models for Teen Drivers?

Parents. Is this scenario familiar?

You’re driving the kids home from school. As always, there’s plenty to do, plenty on your mind. Maybe you’re upset because your boss is making some stupid demand that you need to review.

A Child Psychiatrist’s Perspective on Trump’s Behavior

Why would any parent bring their kid to a child psychiatrist?

Well, I’m a child psychiatrist and the most common reason parents bring their kids to see me in my clinical practice is because they are worried about certain behaviors and want help and advice in evaluating their child.