Articles containing: learning disabilities

How to Get a Core Evaluation Completed Through Your School District

Este artículo está disponible en español.

How do you get a core evaluation completed through your local school district?

Well, the short answer is, “You ask for it.

Who is Qualified to Conduct My Child’s Evaluation?

The number of professionals available to conduct evaluations of children can be quite overwhelming. Psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, educational consultants, counselors, and neuropsychologists are only a partial list of the professionals who can be helpful when you’re seeking more information about your child’s development.

What Are The Different Types Of Evaluations?

If your school-age child needs a mental health evaluation or learning assessment, how do you know which kind to request? Read more, below.

Arielle’s mother, Adele, was confused. She had taken Arielle, an active first grader who was struggling to learn how to read, to her pediatrician for guidance.

What Is An Individualized Education Program (IEP)?

Billy was a second grader who was having difficulty reading. He was thus evaluated through his public school system to see if he was eligible to receive special education services. Upon his completion of a series of tests, Billy was identified as having a reading disability; this diagnosis entitled him to special education services.

How Is Special Education Eligibility Determined?

If you have a child with learning, behavioral, or attentional issues, you may be eager for him to receive special education services through your local school system.

When Kids Leave Home: Part 2

This is the second blog post in a two-part series on adolescents’ transition to the “real world.”

To view the first blog post, click here. 

Intro music written and performed by Dr. Gene Beresin.
Outro music arranged and performed by Dr. Gene Beresin.

I love being a mom.