Articles containing: conversations

P + R: Una vez que haya descubierto que su hijo adolescente está usando Marihuana y lo haya confrontado, ¿cuál es el siguiente paso que se recomienda?

No es inusual descubrir de una forma u otra que su adolescente está consumiendo alguna sustancia. Las sustancias más comunes son el alcohol y la marihuana. Si bien esta pregunta es sobre la marihuana, tengamos en cuenta que el uso de cualquier sustancia es preocupante en un niño.

The Art of Civil Conversations: 9 Parent Strategies

Are you an educator? You may be interested in our Conflict Resolution Curriculum for students. Learn more here.

“Are you out of your mind? You’re not old enough to go to a climate change demonstration. What do you even know about the climate? Besides, we’re in the middle a pandemic.

Making Family Dinner Possible, featuring Anne Fishel, PhD – Shrinking It Down

There are many emotional benefits that come from connecting over a family dinner. But with the competing demands of reality, like busy schedules, technology, and picky eaters, this simple idea isn’t always so simple.

On today’s episode, Dr.

Shrinking It Down: Films That Heal, featuring Eric I. Lu (Season 1, Episode 5)

You can also listen to this podcast on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and iTunes. 


Films foster empathy and can even promote social action. Sharing stories of mental health through video allows viewers to deeply connect with storytellers.

The Clay Center Launches Multimedia Effort to Promote Mental Wellness Among Youth

New film series and video podcast promote conversations to shift the social landscape of mental health



Can Kids Get Mental Illness?

What does the average person think about mental illness in kids? We went to the streets to ask people this very question, and their responses and stories were both enlightening and heartwarming.

The Clay Center have partnered with filmmakers Eric I.

How to Talk With Your Kids About the Ferguson Unrest

On August 9, 2014, Michael Brown, an 18-year-old African-American man, was shot to death by on-duty police officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri.  The case immediately drew national and even international attention.

Just after the shooting, many commentators sought to view the tragedy as part of a larger narrative. The U.K.