Articles containing: family

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

“When you feel good, you have a much better chance to make good decisions.” – Ming Sun

The divide between mind and body has been debated for centuries. As we learn more about how our physical health influences our mental well-being, this divide becomes harder to find.

9 Ways to Know If Your Child’s Mental Health Clinician Is Right for Them

As parents, we all want the very best for our kids – the best teachers, coaches, and health professionals, among others.

About one in five of our children, teenagers, and young adults will experience a mental health issue and ideally receive mental health care.

What Is a Personality Disorder?

I’ve always had a problem with the label “personality disorder,” and so have many of my patients. I think it’s because we typically associate “personality” with a “person,” so the term seems to suggest that there’s something wrong with the human being.

How to Prepare for a Parent-Teacher Conference if Your Child Has ADHD

It’s that time of year again. Kids are back in school. Teachers are getting to know your child, and your child is adjusting to the routine of being a student. Is a parent-teacher conference far behind? If you’re the parent of a child with ADHD, these conferences can fill you with dread.

Are ER Visits the Answer to Mental Health Issues at School?

Anyone who works in a school can tell you that mental health concerns are an integral part of their job. After all, students need to be at their emotional best in order to perform at their scholastic best. There may be exceptions, but the general rule of thumb is that healthy kids are the best students.

What Is Family Therapy?

Family therapy emphasizes the idea that a child lives and grows in relationship to others, particularly in relationship to members of his or her own family. There are many different family therapy approaches.

Why Chores Are Important for Kids


We all remember them.

Some were associated with allowance, others simply mandatory. For many kids, and I bet for most of us, they were often an intrusion on other more important things to do.

What Are the Treatments for Eating Disorders?

Question: What Are the Treatments for Eating Disorders?

Because eating disorders are complex – and are caused by multiple factors – treatments need to address multiple influences.

Shrinking It Down: Home for the Holidays

You can also subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, SoundCloud, and most podcast apps. 

Here we are, in the peak of the holiday season. Do you feel joyful? Do you feel down? Are you simply overwhelmed? Whatever it is you’re feeling, it’s okay, and we guarantee you’re not alone.

Shrinking It Down: The Death of a Pet

You can also subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and TuneIn.


Last season, we talked about the benefits of pets for our kids’ mental health. That unconditional love helps our children to build skills and navigate important life lessons.