Articles containing: academics

Teaching for the Test or Teaching for Real Life?

I have never been good at standardized tests. In fact, I’m horrible.

The problem is that in standardized tests, as opposed to general knowledge or understanding of a particular problem, you need to know what the specific question is looking for. But I just don’t think that way. I overthink every question.

Who is Qualified to Conduct My Child’s Evaluation?

The number of professionals available to conduct evaluations of children can be quite overwhelming. Psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, educational consultants, counselors, and neuropsychologists are only a partial list of the professionals who can be helpful when you’re seeking more information about your child’s development.

A Discussion Triggered By Trigger Warnings

There’s this scene in David Cronenberg’s movie The Fly that is pretty hard to watch. Actually, there are a lot of scenes in that movie that are hard to watch. That’s kind of the point of the movie, which is also the point of this blog, but first—let’s describe the scene in question.

Helping Kids Through New School Year Transitions

Starting a new school year is often filled with anxiety for both parents and kids. Kids who are starting a new school, either because they are moving from middle school to high school, or are moving to a new neighborhood, have the biggest adjustment, but even those who are just moving to a new grade have adjustments to make.