
The Importance of Sleep

It’s important for kids to get enough sleep. Experts recommend eight to ten hours each night! But most kids struggle to reach that due to busy schedules and digital distractions. In this Parent Strategy Announcement (PSA), Dr. Gene Beresin and Dr.

Breaking News and Kids

During times of “breaking news” coverage we’re all drawn to our TVs, phones, and computers for information. But breaking news can include disturbing themes and content, including violence, natural disasters, abuse, and more. The big headlines today also seem to be more frequent, which can add to our stress levels.

Oscars Special – Shrinking It Down

You can also subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, SoundCloud, and most podcast apps – just search for “Shrinking It Down”. 

Why on earth are two child psychiatrists talking about the 2019 Academy Awards? It’s not just for fun, even though it’s fun, too.

Young Healthy Minds: Shining Light on Mental Health Through Education

Here at The Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds, we know that there just aren’t enough child psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers — anyone who helps to take care of kids — to go around. Yet there is an incredible need for resources to help support the mental, behavioral, and emotional well-being of our future generation.

Living With Technology – Shrinking It Down

Technology. Some days it feels like we can’t live with it, but in today’s world we certainly can’t live without it. And what’s the mental health impact on our kids and teens who seem consumed by their smartphones and other digital media 24/7?

The short answer is: It’s a gray area.

HOME: Bringing Voice to Youth Who Have Experienced Homelessness

Ask your children or the young people in your life:

“What is a home?”

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

How do their answers compare to the children in this video?

No matter their background, no matter where they live, all child

Helping Kids with Challenging Behavior, featuring Stuart Ablon, PhD – Shrinking It Down

You can also listen to this episode wherever you get your podcasts – just search for ‘Shrinking It Down’.

Rewards. Punishments. Incentives.

Our Greatest Strengths, Part 2 – Shrinking It Down

You can also subscribe to this podcast on SoundCloud, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, and most podcast apps.


At the Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds, we think a lot about helping kids as they’re growing up with all sorts of challenges.

What Families Should Know About Suicide

Many families are growing more concerned about suicide, especially among young people. Yet, suicide is often preventable when family members, friends, and communities learn how to recognize warning signs and connect those who are struggling with help.

Shrinking It Down: Our Greatest Strengths (Season 1, Episode 16)

You can also listen to this podcast on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and iTunes. 


Did you know that Dr. Ellen Braaten has a mild form of dyslexia and had to work really hard at reading when she was a child? Did you know that Dr. Gene Beresin has always struggled with math?

We all have challenges. We all have differences.