Shrinking It Down: Navigating the System (Season 1, Episode 13)

By and

Posted in: Hot Topics, Multimedia, Parenting Concerns, Videos, You & Your Family

Topics: Behavioral Issues, Mental Illness + Psychiatric Disorders

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We’re not going to pretend it isn’t so. If you’re seeking mental or behavioral health services for your child, it can be tricky and frustrating trying to navigate the system. But resources are available.

In this episode of Shrinking It Down, Dr. Ellen Braaten joins Dr. Gene Beresin and Dr. Steve Schlozman to offer advice on things parents can do to get the appropriate mental health help for kids who are struggling. Some of this includes is broadening your network “treaters,” educating yourself while waiting for an appointment, and advocating for a better system.

Thank you for joining us in this journey and conversation. If you have a question about navigating the system that we didn’t answer, we’d love to hear from you!

Write to us with your questions or thoughts on this episode.

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Shahd Husein

Shahd Husein

Shahd Husein is the editorial assistant for The Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds. She is currently working toward her Master of Public Health (MPH) at Tufts University School of Medicine, and previ...

Sara Rattigan

Sara Rattigan, Communications Director

Sara Rattigan, MS is the former communications director for The Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds, and a public health communicator whose passion has always centered around innovat...

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