Articles containing: social norms

Living in Fear of Criticism and Humiliation: The Problem of Social Anxiety Disorder

Most kids and young adults look forward to going back to school. But for those with social anxiety, school and all that comes with it can literally provoke dread.

I’m going to show you what I mean. Let’s consider Sally.

Sally is a sweet, sensitive, likeable 16-year-old girl.

Can Kids Get Mental Illness?

What does the average person think about mental illness in kids? We went to the streets to ask people this very question, and their responses and stories were both enlightening and heartwarming.

The Clay Center have partnered with filmmakers Eric I.

Did I Stutter?

Do you remember what your mother used to say when you stopped, all of sudden, and yanked off your sneakers with a kind exaggerated urgency?  She’d wait to see what you were doing, and then when you turned that sneaker upside down and the teeny-tiny pebble fell out onto the sidewalk, she’d smile and tell you something about how the little th

Rules For Dating In A Non-Dating World

Before I actually had a daughter, I imagined that I’d be pretty cool with the whole dating thing.  You know, a tiny bit formal perhaps—ask the young man (or the young lady) a few probing but non-threatening questions; remind both my daughter and her date about the curfew; and, refrain from kissing my daughter goodbye.