Articles containing: olympics

Youth Athlete Mental Health ft. Dr. Mai Uchida, MD – Shrinking It Down

At what point are we pushing our young athletes too hard? We all watched 15-year-old Russian Olympic skater, Kamila Valieva, exit the ice in tears after a doping scandal.

Figure Skating’s Identity Crisis: Supporting Our Young Athletes

It’s been a few weeks since the 2022 Olympics in Beijing, and while the world has moved on to larger news and grief surrounding the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the images of young female figure skaters – children – weeping, throwing their hands up in distress and storming away from cameras, continue to perpetuate a dark sinking feeling wi

Simone Biles – Choosing Mental Health Over Defending Olympic Gold

This piece on Simone Biles is one in a series by Dr. Uchida on athlete mental health. Watch more with figure skater Mirai Nagasu, and read more on tennis player Naomi Osaka.

The Resiliency Of The Olympic Games

In 1980, on the day that the US played the Soviets in hockey, I had a junior high dance to attend. Like many of my classmates, I had heard on the radio that the US had already won the match. If you know your Olympics history, you might remember that this particular match was actually not televised live throughout the United States.