Articles containing: anorexia

A Closer Look at Anorexia Nervosa

For more information about eating disorders, and ways you can help to make a difference for a young person in your life, please visit the National Eating Disorder Association website. #NEDAwareness


Anorexia Nervosa deeply affects everyone.

Combating Mental Health Stigma

A look at why and how the stigma of mental illness persists in the African American community—among both young people and their families—and what some are doing to address it.

Doing What We Ought To Be Doing Already: An Approach To World Suicide Prevention Day

September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day.

That seems straightforward enough.

Suicide is awful, more common than you’d think, and in many cases, highly preventable.

Perhaps most important, in virtually every culture and every ethnic group on the planet, suicide is highly stigmatized.