Summer Challenge: Come Together for Mental Health – Shrinking It Down

Posted in: Podcast
Topics: Healthy Living
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We shouldn’t need science to tell us that getting together with other people is beneficial. Still, the science is pretty fascinating, and in the data-driven age in which we live, knowledge is power! In this episode, Steve and Gene dig into the biology and neuroscience beneath why connecting with others in our communities—particularly those outside of our everyday circles—not only feels great but is really important for our physical and mental health. We think it’s so important, in fact, that we have a summer challenge for you all. Tune in for more!
Thank you for joining us in this conversation. Please write to us over the summer!
Media List
- Get Together (Video – The Youngbloods)
- The Benefits of Gardening for Children Will Make You Want to Start a Flower Plot With Them Right Now (Romper)
- Rohina Hoffman: Hair Stories
- Creativity Gives Our Brains a Boost (MGH Clay Center)
- Prosocial Behavior Mitigates the Negative Effects of Stress in Everyday Life (Clinical Psychological Science)
- Affiliative and prosocial motives and emotions in mental health (Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience)
- Could ‘mirror neurons’ explain brain mechanisms of empathy? (Medical News Today)
- The Anatomy of Empathy (Vice)
- Kansas City-Area Tornadoes Add to 12 Straight Days of Destruction (New York Times)
- Talking to Kids About Disasters (The Weather Channel)
- There Are All Sorts of Ways of Making Things Better (MGH Clay Center)
Episode produced by Sara Rattigan
Music by Gene Beresin