Articles containing: sadness

What If My Child Has Depression?

What is child depression, and when should you worry about it in your child or teen? See more, below.

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“Depression” is a funny term.

¿Qué pasa si mi hijo tiene depresión?

“Depresión” es un término complicado. Al igual que muchos diagnósticos en psiquiatría, la palabra “depresión” tiene usos comunes y específicos.

Short Days, Bad Moods: Seasonal Affective Disorder

Tomorrow, it could get as low as four degrees in Boston. Four degrees.

It’s hard to wrap your mind around four degrees. Four degrees means that the steam rising from industrial chimneys looks frozen.  It means that geese are stuck in the river, their feet trapped under the ice. It means that your face hurts when you smile.

The Pain of Losing a Pet

“Do you like to see a youngin’ with his dog?” – Lynard Skynard, “All I Can Do Is Write About It”

Patches was a compromise.

I wanted to call her Sherlock.  I had just transitioned from the concrete logic of Encyclopedia Brown to the more plodding deductions of Mr.