Articles containing: nutrition

Body Image and Young People featuring Dr. Holly Peek, MD, MPH – Shrinking It Down

Turning on TV, opening a magazine, or going on our phones these days, kids are overwhelmed with images showing us what we should look like. Even on “reality” TV, none of the people look like your average person.

Stay In Shape: Kids’ Bodies Feed Their Minds, featuring Ming Sun, CHES – Shrinking It Down

How can we guide children to stay in shape, healthfully navigate food, fitness, sleep, and more (especially when Takis® taste so much better than eggs for breakfast)? These aren’t just important for physical health but mental health, as well.

Food and Behavior – It’s Complicated

In the days leading up to Halloween or Christmas or Valentine’s Day, teachers and parents often wring their hands. Kids seem rambunctious and gleefully hyperactive. The amount of sugar these kids consume is remarkable.

Nutrition and Mental Health: It’s More Complicated Than You Think

The fact that March is National Nutrition Month makes me think of rats.

To be more specific, I think of two particular rats that lived in my first-grade classroom.