Articles containing: gratitude

Grateful May – 2023 Mental Health Month Calendar

Make this May Mental Health Month a grateful one!

When you express gratitude, your brain releases dopamine and serotonin. These two neurotransmitters play an important role when it comes to our emotions.


El Día de Acción de Gracias es un día muy especial para mi y por muchas razones, la mayoría de las cuales tienen que ver con la comida. Cuando era niña, mi padre cubano y madre mexicana evitaban la tradición del pavo y en su lugar asaban un cerdo entero sazonado con salsa de Mojo.

On Gratitude

Este artículo está disponible en español.

Thanksgiving Day is my favorite holiday and for many reasons, most of which have to do with food. As a child, my Cuban father and Mexican mother would bypass the turkey tradition and instead roast an entire pig seasoned with Mojo Sauce.

The Unexpected Magic of Thank You Notes: 9 Strategies to Help Your Child Get Started

Mariela was so excited to graduate from middle school this spring. Even though the celebrations looked different this year due to the pandemic, she was moved by all the family members and friends who came together to celebrate this special milestone with her.

Growing Together in the New Year

If you’re like most people, you’ve likely already fallen short on one of your New Year’s Resolutions.  In fact, less than half of people who make New Year’s resolutions stick with them much past June.

There Are All Sorts of Ways of Making Things Better

Things might seem kind of awful lately.

Every news headline, from every corner of American ideology, feels pretty depressing.  We are subjected to nihilistic rants or apocalyptic predictions.  When do we smile? When our late-night talk-show hosts use our negativity for comedic material.  I’ll admit it.

Raising A Grateful Child In the Season of Getting

Ah, it’s the holidays: a time for giving, but also a time for getting.  If you’re a parent, you might be wondering if all this “stuff” you’ve been buying is making your child happier—or greedier.  At the very least, you’d probably like your child to be happy with what he’s getting.