Articles containing: baby

Mental Health Needs Of Teen Moms

We know that adolescents get depression.

We also know that adolescents are a lot more likely to get depressed than pre-adolescents.

And, we know that pregnancy is associated with a higher risk for depression both during the pregnancy itself, and at least three months following.

Reducing Stress for You and Your Baby

There are few events as stressful (and wonderful) as the birth of a new baby, and the subsequent adjustments to family life in the first year.  I’d like to spend some time talking with you about stress and how to deal with it, both for your baby, and for yourself as a caregiver.

The Very First Family Dinners

None of us can remember our very first family dinners. I’m thinking of the meals we had in the dark, cozy confines of the womb, where we swallowed the flavors of chicken curry or matzoh ball soup, or whatever our mother had eaten for dinner.