Articles by Julie Kaplow, PhD

Dr. Kaplow serves as Director of the Trauma and Grief Center at Texas Children's Hospital, a SAMHSA-funded Treatment and Service Adaptation Center of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. In this role, she oversees evidence-based assessment, treatment, and research with youth and families exposed to traumas and/or losses, and develops and disseminates trauma- and bereavement-informed “best practices” to community providers nationwide. Dr. Kaplow’s primary research interests focus on the biological, behavioral, and psychological consequences of childhood trauma and bereavement, with an emphasis on therapeutically modifiable factors that can be used to inform psychosocial interventions. Dr. Kaplow is board certified by the American Board of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (ABCCAP) of the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP).

Tips for Helping Children Cope with Hurricanes, Storms, and Their Aftermath

September 14, 2018


Tips for Helping Children Cope with Hurricanes, Storms, and Their Aftermath

The frequency and intensity of hurricanes and other natural disasters have increased in recent years. When it comes to scary events, such as terror acts or natural disasters, our mission at the MGH Clay Center has always been to help parents appreciate the impact of kids seeing images on the screen and hearing about events […]

Consejos para ayudar a los niños a hacer frente a los huracanes, tormentas y sus consecuencias

September 20, 2017


Consejos para ayudar a los niños a hacer frente a los huracanes, tormentas y sus consecuencias

Introducción al blog de huracanes y desastres naturales Cuando se trata de eventos como actos de terrorismo o desastres naturales, nuestra misión en el Clay Center de MGH ha sido siempre la de ayudar a los padres, apreciar el impacto que imágenes y audios de estos eventos potencialmente traumáticos, puede tener en los niños. En otros […]