Articles containing: prejudice

In Memory Of Martin Luther King Jr.: The Providence Of Hope For A New Generation

“We haven’t learned how to be just and honest and kind and true and loving. And that is the basis of our problem….if we are to go forward today, we’ve got to go back and rediscover some mighty precious values that we’ve left behind.” ~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 28 February 1954, Detroit, Mich.

Muslim Children: Addressing Prejudice and Xenophobia

As an adult Muslim, I find it disconcerting, and at times, downright frightening, to hear xenophobic statements about keeping Muslims out of the country. In my work as a child psychiatrist, I’m hearing from Muslim parents across the country that their children are coming home to them with difficult questions and intense emotional reactions.

My Child Is Being Bullied Because Of Religion

There is a saying with regard to prejudice and human behavior.  It’s a shrinky phrase (by that, I mean that it’s loaded with jargon), so I’m going to tell it first, and then we’ll translate it through, sadly, an increasingly common example.

Here’s the phrase:

“The narcissism of small differences.