Articles containing: pandemic

A Teen’s Take On the Pandemic: 2 Years In featuring Annabel Reddick – Shrinking It Down

The COVID pandemic is like nothing most of us have ever lived through. This is especially true for kids and teens who are still developing mentally and physically.

Birdcage Memoirs: A Teen’s Reflections on Living Through the Pandemic

This blog post is part of a series entitled Real Lives, Real Stories.

Getting to the Finish Line: Will You Choose Endurance or Resilience?

It’s probably safe to say that 2020 has taken quite a toll on many of us. This has resulted in a number of reactions, particularly in our mental health. That being said, now that we have made it to 2021, despite the rollout of vaccinations, we continue in our new and modified routines built to cope with the ongoing impact of the pandemic.

How to Help Young People Cope With Grief and Loss During COVID-19

Este artículo está disponible en español.

The novel coronavirus pandemic has posed a novel way of life for all of us. Beyond concerns about contagion, prevention, or slowing down its spread, and fears of illness and access to healthcare, one thing is clear.

7 Ways to Support Kids and Teens Through the Coronavirus Pandemic

You can also read this article in Spanish or Chinese. Gratitude to the MGH Chelsea Healthcare Center and the MGH International Marketing Team for making this possible.

The outbreak of the COVID-19 has created anxiety and uncertainty for all of us, including children and teens.

The Psychological Effects of the Flu

I call my mom once or twice a week to check in. When I called her yesterday, she took a second or two longer to speak than usual. Then, when she did speak, she sounded pretty awful.

Death of a Loved One: How Do I Help My Child Cope?

When a family member dies, it can be one of the hardest times to manage.  That pretty much goes without saying.