Articles containing: hate

Talking to Your Children About Asian Hate

Read and share this article in Chinese. Thanks to MGH Marketing for making this possible.


Over the last year, there have been very disturbing reports and videos of hate and violence towards the Asian community.

Muslim Children: Addressing Prejudice and Xenophobia

As an adult Muslim, I find it disconcerting, and at times, downright frightening, to hear xenophobic statements about keeping Muslims out of the country. In my work as a child psychiatrist, I’m hearing from Muslim parents across the country that their children are coming home to them with difficult questions and intense emotional reactions.

I’ve Stopped Hating You

As a psychiatrist, I am always interested in how my adolescent and teen patients say goodbye to their parents after being admitted into our residential programs. Subsequent to their arrival, we will schedule a speakerphone conversation with their parent(s); some kids readily say “I love you” as they say their goodbyes, and others don’t.