Articles containing: autism spectrum

Autism: Making the Transition to College, feat. Chris Keary, MD

Starting college for the first time can be a big deal for all kids, but for those with Autism Spectrum Disorder there’s even more to consider for making it a smooth transition. As parents, how do we provide the best support? How involved should we be?

Special guest Dr.

A Closer Look at High-Functioning Autism, featuring Robyn Thom, MD – Shrinking It Down

Coming into April, Autism Awareness Month, we’ve noticed more families coming to our website with questions about high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

What’s Ahead for Your Child on the Autism Spectrum?

Perhaps the most pressing concern for parents who have a child with autism or a similar developmental issue is “What does the future hold?”   

We don’t have a crystal ball. If we did, joining the circus and traveling the world telling fortunes might prove to be a more helpful career than academic medicine.

AsperDad: Growing Up With a Parent on the Autism Spectrum (Maybe)

This blog post is part of a series entitled  Real Lives, Real Stories. 

The following person’s account of his/her personal experience has been published with her consent to support the mission of The Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds, and to let others in similar situations not feel so alone.

Q+A: What’s the Difference Between Slow Processing and Other Disorders?

Question: What is the difference between Slow Processing Speed, Auditory Processing, Sensory Integration, and Autism Spectrum Disorders? They all seem so similar. Is there a lot of misdiagnosis? – Patrice B., Facebook  

Dr. Braaten’s Answer:

This is a great question and one that I hear frequently.