Articles containing: working memory

The Unexpected Magic of Thank You Notes: 9 Strategies to Help Your Child Get Started

Mariela was so excited to graduate from middle school this spring. Even though the celebrations looked different this year due to the pandemic, she was moved by all the family members and friends who came together to celebrate this special milestone with her.

Ask Ellen: How to Develop Your Child’s Executive Function Skills

Executive function skills are essential for kids to thrive at school and at home. Planning, staying organized, and managing time are important for academic success and balancing the responsibilities of daily life. But what if your child is struggling with these skills?  

In our latest Ask Ellen Live Q&A, our co-director Dr.

What is Working Memory?

The ability to have and recall memories is what makes us unique individuals. Each of us has a distinct and irreplaceable store of information that affects our feelings, perceptions, and opinions. In general, memory is our ability to use information from the past in the present.

What Are Intelligence Tests?

Probably no other single area of evaluation has seen more controversy than that of intelligence. Psychologists have debated whether intelligence is learned or inherited, culturally-specific or universal, one ability or several. These debates are ongoing, and won’t soon be resolved.