Articles containing: processing speed

How Do You Measure Executive Function Skills in Kids?

Executive Functions is one of those “buzzy” terms that teachers use a lot these days.

Processing Speed in Social Relationships

This post is one in a multi-part series from Dr. Braaten entitled Bright Kids Who Can’t Keep Up.

Coping With Slow Processing Speed At Home And At School

This post is one in a multi-part series from Dr. Braaten entitled Bright Kids Who Can’t Keep Up.

Intro To Processing Speed

This post is the first in a multi-part Slow Processing Speed series from Dr. Braaten entitled Bright Kids Who Can’t Keep Up.

Pros and Cons of a Private Clinic Versus Public School Evaluation

Christopher had a tough third grade year.  He struggled to pay attention, had difficulty reading his assignments, and was never able to finish his homework on time.

What Are Intelligence Tests?

Probably no other single area of evaluation has seen more controversy than that of intelligence. Psychologists have debated whether intelligence is learned or inherited, culturally-specific or universal, one ability or several. These debates are ongoing, and won’t soon be resolved.

Failure To Launch and the Disorganized Teenager – Could a Life Coach Help?

The term “failure to launch” is used in medicine and education to describe a young person who is unsuccessful in taking the daily academic and personal steps needed to become a responsible, productive and ultimately successful student and adult.