Articles containing: learning issues

Q+A: My kids are 8 and 5 years old. How can I teach them executive function skills?

Question: My kids are 8 and 5 years old. How can I teach them executive function skills?

Dr. Braaten’s Answer:

Younger children aren’t really ready to have strong executive function skills, which include the ability to plan, think ahead, and remember what they are supposed to be doing.

Q+A: My child was diagnosed with ADHD and I don’t see problems at home. Why is school so tough for him?

My child was diagnosed with ADHD.  He’s taking medication and I don’t see many problems at home, but his teacher constantly complains about issues at school.

Shrinking It Down: Mental Health Made Simple

Need a break from information overload and the constant stream of news media on your computer or phone? Would you love just 20 devoted minutes to focus on a single issue, instead of trying to process 10 at a time?

Shrinking It Down – mental health made simple

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10 Go-To Parenting Books for National Reading Month

March is National Reading Month and a good time to reflect on the books that have made an impact on my work as a child psychologist.  I’ve compiled a list of my “go to” books that I frequently recommend to parents on some of the more common problems I’ve observed in kids.