Articles containing: parent tips

The Intense Power Of Love On Our Kids

There was this song that came out when I was 13 years old.  It was by Dan Folgelberg, and I played it over and over again on my Pioneer turntable.  It went like this:

“Longer than there’s been fishes in the ocean.  Higher than any bird every flew.  Longer than there’s been stars up in the heavens.  I’ve been in love with you.

Talking to Kids About Natural Disasters (The Weather Channel)

Over the past month, the devastation of hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria has topped the headlines and media outlets. The earthquake in Mexico has shocked the world. These events have shaken countless individuals, families, and communities, including our children.

Older Not Wiser: Senior High School Drivers Take More Risks Than Younger Teens According to New Study

Back to school.

For seniors, it’s often a stressful time as they prepare for a new era in life after high school, but also one of enthusiasm as they feel a greater sense of confidence and autonomy.

It’s also a time parents worry more – about their teens’ future and about risky behaviors.

Pediatric Visit? Don’t Forget About Mental Health

The Clay Center is an educational and informational outlet only, and so we do not provide clinical services or referrals for treatment. However, many of our partners here at MGH do.